Thursday, December 3, 2009

First Post, Goals and Objectives

Yes, I'm ready to get this party started. And we'll probably start out slow and steady and maybe, just maybe -- something awesome will come out of the woodwork. I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't have high goals in mind. But I've got a lifetime to work on this, so as long as I practice patience and diligence, progress will surely be made.

Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Chris, I'm a 28-year-old male born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I currently work as a computer/technology expert at the NASA Glenn Research Center (henceforth known as GRC) in Cleveland. And although this position may help me gain a small portion of credibility, it is not my intention to write many specifics about my 9-5. Not only am I concerned with privacy issues, but the fact of the matter is that my scope of writing and commentary are far broader than anything I do at work. So even though my work experiences are quite relevant and satisfying, the specifics are largely irrelevant to my writing.

The title of this blog is called "The Future is Ours". I chose this title because my primary intent is to write about all the possibilities we have in store for the future. And since my (our) generation is on the leading edge, I've found it to be my calling to be a steward down the path of the future. OK, so that's a pretty tall task, but it's really not. I don't intend on doing anything superhuman either...simply using my powers of observation and common sense will be a basis for probably 90% of my analysis. Personal intuition, random thoughts, outside bias and environmental chaos will make up for the balance.

Like so many of my generation, I've always been a huge fanatic of computers and technology. Computer games have been at the center of my life since age 4, and there's no denying the fact that they will continue to grab my fancy far down the road as well. There have been several points in my life which I had desires to create my own "ultimate" computer games, and I still believe this dream may become a reality one day. In addition to creating games, I'm beginning to wonder how may other wild and crazy inventions I'll conjure up. Right now I'm only beginning to make a concerted effort to realize my potential. Ultimately however, it is my goal to utilize my skills to help make a better society, in one shape or form.

For the next few weeks I will continue to introduce certain areas of specific interest, and will build on those as time goes on. As always, I concurrently write a personal blog found at I hope you will find interest in my future work!

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